Inside the Delmar Police Dept.

Where is the Delmar Police Department?
Delmar PD is located at 102 S Pennsylvania Ave. Delmar, MD 21875

How many Police Officers work for the Town of Delmar?
There are Nineteen Officer positions for the Town of Delmar. This Includes the Chief of Police.

Does the Delmar Police currently have any openings?
We are always accepting applications.

Police Reports

Is there a charge for copies of police reports?
Yes! There is a $10 fee for a copy of all reports. Accident Reports are Separate and Requested through the Accident Reports "Crashdocs" Link found on the left by clicking "LINKS" or go to http://www.crashdocs.org/. Make all requests through the State of Maryland Regardless of whether it is a Delaware Accident. Md Cases are 541800???? (Must be Ten Numbers. Delaware cases are 741800???? 000(Must be Thirteen Numbers.))

How do I get a copy of a police report?
There is a $10 fee for a copy of the Incident or Crime report. To obtain a copy of a report, you must call the Delmar Police Dept. and ask for Sgt. Michael Bond's Voice Mail. A copy of a Crime Report will be released to the person filing the complaint after the report has been approved. If photos are included, the price is higher.

Towed Vehicles

How do I get a vehicle out of the Impound Lot?
Contact the Delmar Police Department at 410-896-3131 Monday Thru Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. Ask for Ed Ferro

What are the fees to get my vehicle out of impound?
The fees depend on the towing company and any special equipment needed to tow the vehicle. If the vehicle is towed to Delmar PD, there is a $35 Administrative Fee. And the storage fee is $20 per day beginning on the day the vehicle is towed. Typical tow Fees range from $90 and Up, Plus the storage fee and any other special equipment fees.

When can I get my vehicle out of impound?
If your vehicle was towed to Delmar PD, vehicles are only released Monday thru Friday, 8 am to 4 pm, except for Town observed Holidays. Call first to be sure the office is open.

How do I pay for an Impounded Vehicle?
We accept Money Orders made out to the Town of Delmar. We accept Credit Cards during Business Hours at Town Hall from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday except for Holidays and Weekends.

Police Auctions

When is the next Police Auction?
There are no scheduled auctions. Our last auction was June 17th, 2017.

When does the Auction begin?
The Auctions start at 10 A.M., but the public can start vehicle inspections at 8 A.M.

How do I bid at the auction?
A person wishing to bid at the auction must register with the auctioneer's staff and show a valid driver's license.

What are the terms of the sale?
Cash! Persons paying with checks will have to wait for check to clear to get paperwork on vehicles.

When do vehicles have to be moved?
All vehicles must be moved the day of the sale.

What vehicles are in the next police auction?
When an Auction is scheduled, the vehicles are listed in the Daily Times and The Guide usually from one to two weeks before the Auction. There is usually a list at the Delmar Police Department. A listing and photos can be found on the Auctioneers website Eastershoreauctions.com


When will Halloween and Trick or Treating be observed in the Town of Delmar?
Trick or Treating will be Thursday October 31st 2024.


What do I do if a bike is stolen?
Report your bike stolen as soon as possible. Give the Officer a complete description of your bike and Serial Number. If you are not an adult, Have your parents file the report.

What happens to bikes that are recovered by the Delmar Police or a citizen?
Bikes are held at the Delmar Police Department until the next Police Auction where those Bikes that have not been returned to the owner are sold.

How do I find out if my bike has been found?
Contact the Delmar Police and make an appointment to look over the Bikes that have been turned in. Be prepared to describe your bike before you look at the Bikes that have been found.

What can I do to prevent my bike from being stolen?
You can't always prevent your bike from being stolen. Here are some things that will help reduce the changes of the theft happening. Some of the steps will also make it easier to recover your bike.
1. Register your bike with the Delmar Police Department. You can do this online at www.delmarpolice.com or contact the Police Department and make an appointment with Ed Ferro.
2. Take a photograph of your bike and record the serial number, make, and model and keep this in a safe place.
3. Buy a good bike lock and use it when your bike is not being used. Keep your bike out of site and locked up when you are not around.
4. Place some type of unique identifying number on your bike that can be used to identify it, even if the bike has been painted.

DelMarVa Model Railroad Club Annual Open House

When is the Open House for the DelMarVa Model Railroad Club for 2022-2023? FREE ADMISSION http://www.delmarvamodelrailroadclub.org/
Dates for 2022 and 2023 have not been set yet. Check Back Later

Delmarva's Day in the Park

What is the date for the Day in the Park Celebration scheduled for 2025?
The Delmarva's Day In The Park is scheduled for Saturday June 7th 2025 from 10AM to 6PM. at State Street Park. Delmar, DE

Animal Control

What type of animal complaints will animal control handle?
Animal control only handles dog complaints.

How do I contact animal control for Delmar, Maryland or Delaware in town limits only?
Contact 410-749-1070. Leave a message if you are unable to speak with anyone. If an animal is picked up in Town by Wicomico Animal on the Delaware side of Town, it will be turned over to Delaware Animal Services. Please call 302-255-4646

Heritage Day

When is Heritage Day in Delmar?
Heritage Day will be Celebrated on Saturday September 21st. 2024

Special Olympics Delaware Law Enforcement Torch Run

When is the Law Enforcement Torch Run?
The 2023 Western Sussex County Law Enforcement Torch Run will begin at the Delmar McDonalds at 38667 Sussex Hwy in Delmar, DE 19940 The Run will start about 6AM on Thursday June the 8th 2023.

When is the Law Enforcement Torch Run?
The 2023 Western Sussex County Law Enforcement Torch Run will begin at the Delmar McDonalds at 38667 Sussex Hwy in Delmar, DE 19940 The Run will start about 6:15AM on Thursday June the 8th 2023.